Seminars from previous years are being added over time. Please check back in regularly for updated content.
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MSD Project Clear 101 – What Municipalities Need to Know
Presenter discusses the role and obligations of a sewer district in wastewater and flooding management.
Types of Municipal Governments
Presenters discuss the types of municipal governments provided for by Missouri law.
Tax-Exempt Requirements for Municipal Bonds
Presenters discuss the Federal tax requirements needed to maintain tax-exempt status of municipal bonds and related facilities.
Running Public Meetings
Presenters discuss the preparations and procedures for running an efficient and effective public meeting.
Impeachments at the Municipal Level of Government
Presenters discuss municipal impeachment procedures and requirements.
Engage, Empower, Evolve
Presenter discusses strategies for how municipalities can create enthusiasm and build engagement with their residents and communities.
2024 Legislative Update
Presenter discusses the outcomes of the 2024 Missouri legislative session and predictions for next year.
Police Records: Sunshine Law, Subpoenas, & Preservation
Presenter discusses the distinction and specificities of handling law enforcement records, subpeonas, and preservation.
Being “Social” in the Modern World
Presenter discusses how municipalities can balance engagement and information sharing on social media platforms while remaining compliant with the 1st Amendment.
Capitol Avenue – Intersection of Nuisance, Historic Preservation and Redevelopment
Presenter discusses case study of one city’s experience with an intractable owner of dangerous but historic buildings using the nuisance process to spur redevelopment.
Municipal Contracts & Purchasing
Presenter discusses statutory considerations in public contracts, requirements, key terms, and best practices.
Municipal Budgeting in Missouri
Presenter discusses municipal budget administration, projections and planning, and best practices.
Economic Development Incentives 101
Presenters discuss the many economic development incentives available to Missouri municipalities and best practices.
Emergency Preparedness
Presenter discusses how to educate residents and business owners on how best to prepare for natural disasters.
Parliamentary Procedure
Presenter discusses the purposes of parliamentary procedure, common rules, and best practices.
Know Your Boards & Commissions
Presenter discusses the purposes and powers of the different types of municipal boards and commissions.
2023 Legislative Update
Presenter discusses the outcomes of the 2023 Missouri legislative session and predictions for next year.
Neighborhood Preservation through Code Enforcement
Presenter discusses code enforcement for neighborhood preservation.
Employment Pitfalls – Mishandling Leave Issues
Presenter discusses current issues in employment for public employers.
Police Matters
Presenter discusses unique issues presented to local governments related to police departments and policing.
Navigating Amendment 3: On State Marijuana Law Changes
Presenters discuss Amendment 3 and its changes to medical marijuana regulation and recreational marijuana including in the areas of land use and zoning, employment law, offenses, and taxes.
Election Law Update
Presenter discusses recent changes in election law and the impacts on filing dates and voting requirements, recent pending litigation, and best practices.
Sunshine Law: You’re a Public Governmental Body? Strike Two…
Presenter discusses the Missouri Sunshine Law and its requirements, the nuances of the law, recent cases of significance, and best practices.
Municipal Accounting & ARPA Update
Presenter discusses basic practices over governmental reporting, as well as providing an American Rescue Plan Act (“ARPA”) update.
Redistricting: A Decennial Disruption
Presenter discusses the federal constitutional and statutory obligations for redistricting, the process and criteria of redistricting, the responsibilities of governing bodies, and best practices.
Parliamentary Procedure: How to Run a Meeting & Why it Matters
Presenter discusses the history and purpose of parliamentary procedure, common rules, and best practices.
2022 Legislative Update
Presenters discuss the outcomes of the 2022 Missouri legislative session and predictions for next year.
Local Government 101
Presenter discusses local government institutions, roles and responsibilities for newly elected officials, and best practices.
Sales & Use Tax: The Use Tax Explained
Presenters the history of revenue sources, local sales tax & use tax application, and best practices.
Municipal Grant Opportunities
Presenters discuss their organizations and related municipal grant opportunities.
From Planning to Zoning
Presenter discusses the fundamentals of planning an zoning, practical tips for zoning issues, and best practices.
Intro to Economic Development & Revenue Sources for Missouri Cities
Presenter discusses various economic development tools and incentives for Missouri cities.
Public Official Ethics Overview
Presenter discusses governmental ethics law relevant to municipal officials in Missouri, including conflict of interest law, use of public funds, and Missouri Ethics Commission enforcement and resources.
American Rescue Plan Act
Presenters discuss the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) including: uses for funds, guidelines, potential impact, and frequently asked questions.
State Public Works Contracts
Presenter discusses what is legally required to be in state public works contracts: payment bonds, prevailing wage determinations, payment provisions, OSHA requirements, and best practices.
Is Your Procurement Policy in Compliance?
Presenter discusses minimum procurement policy requirements under state and federal law and best practices for compliance.
Responding to Employee Complaints and Avoiding Retaliation Claims
Presenters discuss municipalities response to employee complaints, potential policies regarding COVID vaccinations, and best practices.
2021 Legislative Review
Presenters discuss the outcomes of the 2021 Missouri legislative session and predictions for next year.
Municipal Courts: What to Expect Coming Out of the Pandemic
Presenter discusses the functions of the court, insight on post-COVID procedures, and best practices
Resolve to Solve: Effective Identification and Abatement of Nuisance/Problem Property Issues
Presenter discusses nuisances, problem properties, and best practices.
Sunshine Law
Presenter discusses day-to-day compliance with the Missouri Sunshine Law, records requests and retention, and best practices.
Municipal Business Licenses: Revenue, Regulation, & Revocation
Presenters will be discussing statutory authority and procedures related to municipal business licenses and best practices.
Ballot Questions & Initiatives
Presenter discusses ballot questions, initiatives, and best practices.
Constitutional & Statutory Limitations to Municipal Land Use Authority
Presenters discuss municipal land use authority, limitations, and best practices.
Eminent Domain & the Condemnation Process
Presenter discusses the condemnation process and guidelines for municipalities.
2020 Legislative Review
Presenters discuss the outcomes of the 2020 Missouri Legislative Session.
Employment and Labor Law & COVID-19
Presenter discusses the impact of COVID-19 in relation to personnel policies, medical leave, employer liability and more.
Social Media Policy
Presenter discusses social media policy. Please note, due to a download error, there is no recording available for this presentation.
Funding Municipal Improvements and Economic Development
Presenter discusses various economic development tools and incentives for Missouri cities.
City Clerk 101
Presenters discuss the role of City Clerk, including: descriptions of the job, requests for public records, licensing, and other city policies related to filling this role. Please note, due to a download error, there is no recording available for this presentation.
Sign Code Regulations: Common Pitfalls and Changes in the Law
Presenter discusses issues surrounding sign code regulation.
Navigating Local Government Elections: Candidates
Presenters discuss election issues surrounding candidate elections.
Becoming a More Effective Municipal Leader or Manager
Presenter discusses best practices surrounding municipal leadership and management.
High Time to Know Medical Marijuana Zoning Issues
Presenters discuss general zoning authority and medical marijuana laws and regulations with a focus on zoning issues.
Fraud in Local Government
Presenter discusses occupational fraud, including keys to identifying red flags and prevention, and best practices.
Public Employees: The Basics
2019 Legislative Overview
Presenter discusses the 2019 Missouri legislative session.
How to Handle Small Wireless Facilities in light of HB 1991 – A Crash-Course in Practical Application
Presenters discuss small wireless facility applications and the implication of HB 1991.
Municipal Bonds, Part Two: The Bond Issuance Process – From a City’s Perspective
Presenters discuss the process of bond issuance from a city’s point of view and best practices.
Municipal Bonds, Part One: Fundamentals of Municipal Bonds and Market Update
Presenters discuss municipal bonds and best practices.
Resolve to Solve: Effective Identification and Abatement of Nuisance/Problem Property Issues
Presenter discusses the nuisance process including identification, abatement and best practices.
It’s (Mostly) Good to Be King: The Application and Limits of Sovereign Immunity
Presenters discuss principles of sovereign immunity, its application and best practices moving forward.
Big Ideas for Small Cities: Municipal Partnerships in North St. Louis County
Presenter discusses discusses policy work and collaboration between municipalities, including, police collaboratives, court hubs, and municipality consolidation. Please note, due to a download error, there is no recording available for this presentation.
Regulating Commercial Uses or Violating Free Speech? Your Ordinances Under First Amendment Scrutiny
Presenters discuss First Amendment principles, implications of certain cases, and best practices moving forward.
Sexual Harassment Claims in the #MeToo Era
Presenters discuss sexual harassment claim in the wake of the #MeToo movement and best practices moving forward.
Public Works Contracts
Presenter discusses public works contracts, the legal requirements of the updated prevailing wage law, and best practices moving forward.
2018 Legislative Update
Presenter discusses the outcomes of the 2018 Missouri legislative session and predictions for next year.
City Cyber Threats and Solutions
Presenters discuss common threats cities face in the cyber world, as well as solutions and legal impacts.
Fundamentals of Land Use
Presenter discusses the fundamentals of land use, including plan adoption procedure, zoning standards, subdivision, and the Administrative Review process.
Deposit and Investment of Public Funds
Presenter discusses authority for deposit and investment of public funds.
Municipal Business License Taxes
Presenter discusses municipal business license taxes, including general license tax authority and recent developments.
Ballot Questions & Initiatives – Issues and Best Practices
Presenter discusses ballot question procedures and best practices.
Regulatory Takings and Exactions
Presenter discusses regulatory taking and exaction procedures and best practices.
Municipal Contracts and Purchasing: Best Practices
Presenter discusses municipal contracting procedures, including purchasing requirements and best practices.
Parliamentary Procedure: Fair, Efficient Decision Making for Governmental Bodies
Presenter discusses parliamentary procedure, including Robert’s Rules of Order and the Sunshine Law, as well as best practices.
2017 Legislative Review
Presenter discusses the 2017 Missouri legislative session.
Municipal Budgets and Financial Disclosure
Presenters discuss municipal budgeting, financial disclosure requirements, and best practices
Wireless Facilities in the Rights-of-Way: Changing Laws, Technologies, and Trends
Presenters discuss telecom and rights-of-way issues and best practices.
Missouri Sunshine Law
Presenter discusses Missouri’s sunshine law and best practices.
Municipal Courts 2017 – Where Are We Now?
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Legalities of Planning and Zoning
Presenter discusses legal aspects of planning and zoning, planning and zoning tools, scope and limitations of regulatory authority, zoning review, appeal, and public hearing procedures.
General Seminars
MSD Project Clear 101 – What Municipalities Need to Know
Presenter discusses the role and obligations of a sewer district in wastewater and flooding management.
Types of Municipal Governments
Presenters discuss the types of municipal governments provided for by Missouri law.
Running Public Meetings
Presenters discuss the preparations and procedures for running an efficient and effective public meeting.
Impeachments at the Municipal Level of Government
Presenters discuss municipal impeachment procedures and requirements.
Engage, Empower, Evolve
Presenter discusses strategies for how municipalities can create enthusiasm and build engagement with their residents and communities.
Police Records: Sunshine Law, Subpoenas, & Preservation
Presenter discusses the distinction and specificities of handling law enforcement records, subpeonas, and preservation.
Being “Social” in the Modern World
Presenter discusses how municipalities can balance engagement and information sharing on social media platforms while remaining compliant with the 1st Amendment.
Capitol Avenue – Intersection of Nuisance, Historic Preservation and Redevelopment
Presenter discusses case study of one city’s experience with an intractable owner of dangerous but historic buildings using the nuisance process to spur redevelopment.
Emergency Preparedness
Presenter discusses how to educate residents and business owners on how best to prepare for natural disasters.
Parliamentary Procedure
Presenter discusses the purposes of parliamentary procedure, common rules, and best practices.
Know Your Boards & Commissions
Presenter discusses the purposes and powers of the different types of municipal boards and commissions.
Neighborhood Preservation through Code Enforcement
Presenter discusses code enforcement for neighborhood preservation.
Police Matters
Presenter discusses unique issues presented to local governments related to police departments and policing.
Sunshine Law: You’re a Public Governmental Body? Strike Two…
Presenter discusses the Missouri Sunshine Law and its requirements, the nuances of the law, recent cases of significance, and best practices.
Redistricting: A Decennial Disruption
Presenter discusses the federal constitutional and statutory obligations for redistricting, the process and criteria of redistricting, the responsibilities of governing bodies, and best practices.
Parliamentary Procedure: How to Run a Meeting & Why it Matters
Presenter discusses the history and purpose of parliamentary procedure, common rules, and best practices.
Local Government 101
Presenter discusses local government institutions, roles and responsibilities for newly elected officials, and best practices.
Public Official Ethics Overview
Presenter discusses governmental ethics law relevant to municipal officials in Missouri, including conflict of interest law, use of public funds, and Missouri Ethics Commission enforcement and resources.
Municipal Courts: What to Expect Coming Out of the Pandemic
Presenter discusses the functions of the court, insight on post-COVID procedures, and best practices
Social Media Policy
Presenter discusses social media policy. Please note, due to a download error, there is no recording available for this presentation.
City Clerk 101
Presenters discuss the role of City Clerk, including: descriptions of the job, requests for public records, licensing, and other city policies related to filling this role. Please note, due to a download error, there is no recording available for this presentation.
High Time to Know Medical Marijuana Zoning Issues
Presenters discuss general zoning authority and medical marijuana laws and regulations with a focus on zoning issues.
Big Ideas for Small Cities: Municipal Partnerships in North St. Louis County
Presenter discusses discusses policy work and collaboration between municipalities, including, police collaboratives, court hubs, and municipality consolidation. Please note, due to a download error, there is no recording available for this presentation.
City Cyber Threats and Solutions
Presenters discuss common threats cities face in the cyber world, as well as solutions and legal impacts.
Parliamentary Procedure: Fair, Efficient Decision Making for Governmental Bodies
Presenter discusses parliamentary procedure, including Robert’s Rules of Order and the Sunshine Law, as well as best practices.
Missouri Sunshine Law
Presenter discusses Missouri’s sunshine law and best practices.
Municipal Courts 2017 – Where Are We Now?
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Budgeting & Revenue
Tax-Exempt Requirements for Municipal Bonds
Presenters discuss the Federal tax requirements needed to maintain tax-exempt status of municipal bonds and related facilities.
Municipal Budgeting in Missouri
Presenter discusses municipal budget administration, projections and planning, and best practices.
Economic Development Incentives 101
Presenters discuss the many economic development incentives available to Missouri municipalities and best practices.
Municipal Accounting & ARPA Update
Presenter discusses basic practices over governmental reporting, as well as providing an American Rescue Plan Act (“ARPA”) update.
Sales & Use Tax: The Use Tax Explained
Presenters the history of revenue sources, local sales tax & use tax application, and best practices.
Municipal Grant Opportunities
Presenters discuss their organizations and related municipal grant opportunities.
Intro to Economic Development & Revenue Sources for Missouri Cities
Presenter discusses various economic development tools and incentives for Missouri cities.
American Rescue Plan Act
Presenters discuss the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) including: uses for funds, guidelines, potential impact, and frequently asked questions.
Is Your Procurement Policy in Compliance?
Presenter discusses minimum procurement policy requirements under state and federal law and best practices for compliance.
Municipal Business Licenses: Revenue, Regulation, & Revocation
Presenters will be discussing statutory authority and procedures related to municipal business licenses and best practices.
Funding Municipal Improvements and Economic Development
Presenter discusses various economic development tools and incentives for Missouri cities.
Municipal Bonds, Part Two: The Bond Issuance Process – From a City’s Perspective
Presenters discuss the process of bond issuance from a city’s point of view and best practices.
Municipal Bonds, Part One: Fundamentals of Municipal Bonds and Market Update
Presenters discuss municipal bonds and best practices.
Deposit and Investment of Public Funds
Presenter discusses authority for deposit and investment of public funds.
Municipal Business License Taxes
Presenter discusses municipal business license taxes, including general license tax authority and recent developments.
Municipal Budgets and Financial Disclosure
Presenters discuss municipal budgeting, financial disclosure requirements, and best practices
Election Law Update
Presenter discusses recent changes in election law and the impacts on filing dates and voting requirements, recent pending litigation, and best practices.
Ballot Questions & Initiatives
Presenter discusses ballot questions, initiatives, and best practices.
Navigating Local Government Elections: Candidates
Presenters discuss election issues surrounding candidate elections.
Ballot Questions & Initiatives – Issues and Best Practices
Presenter discusses ballot question procedures and best practices.
HR / Employment
Employment Pitfalls – Mishandling Leave Issues
Presenter discusses current issues in employment for public employers.
Responding to Employee Complaints and Avoiding Retaliation Claims
Presenters discuss municipalities response to employee complaints, potential policies regarding COVID vaccinations, and best practices.
Employment and Labor Law & COVID-19
Presenter discusses the impact of COVID-19 in relation to personnel policies, medical leave, employer liability and more.
Becoming a More Effective Municipal Leader or Manager
Presenter discusses best practices surrounding municipal leadership and management.
Fraud in Local Government
Presenter discusses occupational fraud, including keys to identifying red flags and prevention, and best practices.
Public Employees: The Basics
It’s (Mostly) Good to Be King: The Application and Limits of Sovereign Immunity
Presenters discuss principles of sovereign immunity, its application and best practices moving forward.
Sexual Harassment Claims in the #MeToo Era
Presenters discuss sexual harassment claim in the wake of the #MeToo movement and best practices moving forward.
Land Use / Planning
Capitol Avenue – Intersection of Nuisance, Historic Preservation and Redevelopment
Presenter discusses case study of one city’s experience with an intractable owner of dangerous but historic buildings using the nuisance process to spur redevelopment.
From Planning to Zoning
Presenter discusses the fundamentals of planning an zoning, practical tips for zoning issues, and best practices.
Resolve to Solve: Effective Identification and Abatement of Nuisance/Problem Property Issues
Presenter discusses nuisances, problem properties, and best practices.
Constitutional & Statutory Limitations to Municipal Land Use Authority
Presenters discuss municipal land use authority, limitations, and best practices.
Eminent Domain & the Condemnation Process
Presenter discusses the condemnation process and guidelines for municipalities.
Funding Municipal Improvements and Economic Development
Presenter discusses various economic development tools and incentives for Missouri cities.
Sign Code Regulations: Common Pitfalls and Changes in the Law
Presenter discusses issues surrounding sign code regulation.
Resolve to Solve: Effective Identification and Abatement of Nuisance/Problem Property Issues
Presenter discusses the nuisance process including identification, abatement and best practices.
Fundamentals of Land Use
Presenter discusses the fundamentals of land use, including plan adoption procedure, zoning standards, subdivision, and the Administrative Review process.
Regulatory Takings and Exactions
Presenter discusses regulatory taking and exaction procedures and best practices.
Legalities of Planning and Zoning
Presenter discusses legal aspects of planning and zoning, planning and zoning tools, scope and limitations of regulatory authority, zoning review, appeal, and public hearing procedures.
2024 Legislative Update
Presenter discusses the outcomes of the 2024 Missouri legislative session and predictions for next year.
2023 Legislative Update
Presenter discusses the outcomes of the 2023 Missouri legislative session and predictions for next year.
Navigating Amendment 3: On State Marijuana Law Changes
Presenters discuss Amendment 3 and its changes to medical marijuana regulation and recreational marijuana including in the areas of land use and zoning, employment law,
2022 Legislative Update
Presenters discuss the outcomes of the 2022 Missouri legislative session and predictions for next year.
2021 Legislative Review
Presenters discuss the outcomes of the 2021 Missouri legislative session and predictions for next year.
Sunshine Law
Presenter discusses day-to-day compliance with the Missouri Sunshine Law, records requests and retention, and best practices.
2020 Legislative Review
Presenters discuss the outcomes of the 2020 Missouri Legislative Session.
2019 Legislative Overview
Presenter discusses the 2019 Missouri legislative session.
How to Handle Small Wireless Facilities in light of HB 1991 – A Crash-Course in Practical Application
Presenters discuss small wireless facility applications and the implication of HB 1991.
Regulating Commercial Uses or Violating Free Speech? Your Ordinances Under First Amendment Scrutiny
Presenters discuss First Amendment principles, implications of certain cases, and best practices moving forward.
2018 Legislative Update
Presenter discusses the outcomes of the 2018 Missouri legislative session and predictions for next year.
2017 Legislative Review
Presenter discusses the 2017 Missouri legislative session.
Wireless Facilities in the Rights-of-Way: Changing Laws, Technologies, and Trends
Presenters discuss telecom and rights-of-way issues and best practices.
Municipal Contracts
Municipal Contracts & Purchasing
Presenter discusses statutory considerations in public contracts, requirements, key terms, and best practices.
State Public Works Contracts
Presenter discusses what is legally required to be in state public works contracts: payment bonds, prevailing wage determinations, payment provisions, OSHA requirements, and best practices.
Public Works Contracts
Presenter discusses public works contracts, the legal requirements of the updated prevailing wage law, and best practices moving forward.
Municipal Contracts and Purchasing: Best Practices
Presenter discusses municipal contracting procedures, including purchasing requirements and best practices.