Presenter discusses case study of one city’s experience with an intractable owner of dangerous but historic buildings using the nuisance process to spur redevelopment.

Presenters discuss municipal land use authority, limitations, and best practices. 

Presenter discusses the condemnation process and guidelines for municipalities.

Presenter discusses the fundamentals of planning an zoning, practical tips for zoning issues, and best practices.

Presenter discusses the fundamentals of land use, including plan adoption procedure, zoning standards, subdivision, and the Administrative Review process.

Presenter discusses various economic development tools and incentives for Missouri cities.

Presenter discusses legal aspects of planning and zoning, planning and zoning tools, scope and limitations of regulatory authority, zoning review, appeal, and public hearing procedures.

Presenter discusses regulatory taking and exaction procedures and best practices. 

Presenter discusses the nuisance process including identification, abatement and best practices.

Presenter discusses nuisances, problem properties, and best practices.